Binary Options. How to start?

Binary Options. How to start? Go to the instruments menu and choose your asset to trade. You can see the current profit percentage next to each asset. Choose your expiration time. On the chart. The time is marked with a red line. This is the time of your prediction. Whether the asset price at that time will be higher. Or lower than it is now. The white line marks the Continue Reading


6 Reasons Why Binary Options are Popular

Financial traders have a diverse range of markets to choose from. These includes forex, stocks, CFDs, indices cryptocurrencies and options. Binary options are relatively new compared to other financial instruments (except cryptocurrencies). However, many traders consider them high risk. Some will even label options trading the same as gambling. The truth is, any form of Continue Reading


Guide to Trading the Railway Tracks Candles Pattern on IQ Option

Guide to trading the railway tracks candles pattern on IQ Option There are many different types of candle patterns. For price action traders, the tweezers tops and tweezers bottom candles are among the most important type. These candles have a solid body with a wick at the top or bottom. They often come in handy when you want to spot a trend reversal especially if you love Continue Reading