CFDs On IQ Option Made Simpler

What Are CFDs?
Contract For Difference is simply a trading tool that allows you stake on securities without buying. You just go to a broker, invest some money and predict the future price of the security.

If your prediction is right then you will get paid profit equal to the difference between the opening and closing price. If your prediction is wrong then you incur losses equal to the difference as well. Continue Reading


The Best 4-Step Candlestick Strategy

Of all trading and market analysis tools out there, most traders will agree that Japanese candlesticks are the most important. Any attempt at trading on IQ Option without properly understanding them is like walking in the dark. But it’s not only about knowing them, but also using them well. The only way you will be able to do this is by developing a candlestick strategy Continue Reading


Guide to IQ Option Tournaments

One of the features that makes IQ Option stand out is their tournaments. These pit traders against each other competing to earn a piece of the prize money. Besides being fun to participate in, IQ Option tournaments allow you to test your trading skills. They’re also a great way to make tons of cash prizes with a little investment. Continue Reading